A funny thing happens when you give out your blog’s URL. You visit it and realize it hasn’t been updated in almost a year. OOPS! Truthfully, though, its just because I’ve been living life and feeling so grateful for what feels like a second chance […]

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Last year I chose a word of the year for the first time. Apparently it was CREATE. I chose that word and then promptly forgot… only reminded of it when it came up on my Timehop a few days ago. And let me tell you… […]

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I haven’t posted a blog post since April. Three months not writing is pretty unheard of from me, but as much as I wanted to write time and time again I just couldn’t do it. Or in the few cases that I did sit down […]

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As I type this, I’m sitting at my kitchen table. There’s stuff all over the table that just needs to be put away. I’m here instead of my desk, because it is in the same sad shape. Worse, actually. I’ve just been too busy to […]

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I made an instagram post yesterday on my photography IG marking 45 days of this madness for me. I started a photo project #findingjoyduringcovid (I love that there are now many people using that hashtag!) on March 18th. I kind of think of St. Patrick’s […]

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How about that 2020? That new decade, new beginning, new… wait a minute. Well, I guess you could definitely say what we’re facing now is new. Two things you should probably know about me, if you don’t already. I’m a professional worrier. And I am […]

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Earlier this week, I saw and shared a post on Facebook from a high school in Michigan about their way of honoring the 17 students lost in the Parkland, Florida school shooting a month prior. “They were each given 17 sticky notes to symbolize the […]

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Have you ever noticed how life can just cruise along with everything just clicking along. The occasional high. The occasional low. But mostly it just stays steady. And then seemingly out of the blue, as if you’ve hit turbulence in an airplane, its up and […]

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We’re 16 days into 2018, and I wish I could say, “Woo! This year is off to an incredible start!” But I really can’t. I certainly can’t say its been bad! But it hasn’t been the most kind either. We have one truck in the […]

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