Ever know something, but not really KNOW it? Like, you know this one fact, but the weight of it doesn’t really click until you have this light bulb moment and suddenly it all makes so much more sense. This has happened to me a lot […]

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Its a rainy January 2nd. A perfect day for coffee and writing. And taking down the inside Christmas decorations later. My year kicked off with a fire pit in the backyard with my husband. We gave each other for Christmas a new Solo Stove Bonfire. […]

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A friend on Facebook posed a question yesterday: “What freedom in your life are you most grateful for?”  I confess, I clicked the little button to get notified of comments before I left my own, because I was struggling to figure out how to answer. […]

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I have my mother’s hands. I don’t know if anyone else has ever noticed this, but I do. When I look down at my hands, I see my mom’s. And I happen to love that fact. I do not have my mother’s memory. Mom has […]

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Happy Thanksgiving!! I thought about making a long Facebook status update, but I realized it probably made more sense to take it to ye ol’ blog.  My husband and I did Thanksgiving with my family when we traveled to Texas a little over a week […]

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Working at a place that serves alcohol, you end up carding a lot of people. If there is one thing I know for sure these days, its that I am terrible at knowing how old people are from their looks. (But I am REALLY good […]

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